My Story

Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.
— Unknown

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and have been practicing as a psychotherapist and social worker since 2003.  I battled with depression for most of my life and finally sought help and received treatment at the age of 37.  

My own therapy helped me gain insight into this condition and heal from childhood wounds.  It was what I needed to figure out who I was and what I wanted.  It was then that I was able to attend graduate school at the age of 40.  

I also have a normal trait known scientifically as a Sensory-Processing Sensitivity, aka, Highly Sensitive People.  [Please visit ​ to learn more about this.] People who have this trait and had difficult childhoods are more prone to depression, anxiety, and shyness.  This was true for me.  My father died when I was a child.  I then experienced many subsequent losses for which I never received help. 

I did not know about this trait or realize that I had it until I was 47 years old. Understanding that I was just different and not flawed was validating and life-changing.  



Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
— Maria Robinson

Bachelor's Degree of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1983
Master's Degree of Social Work, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2003



What happens to you does not matter: what you become through those experiences is all that is significant. This is the true meaning of life.
— Paraphrased from Buddhist philosophy

Southeastern Arizona Behavioral Health Services
Boulder Community Hospital
Boulder Community Health
​Family Hospice
Jefferson Center for Mental Health
Aurora Police Department
San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office
Military and Family Life Counselor (contract work with the Department of Defense)