My Story
“I really appreciate Vicki’s expertise in helping me identify my constant anxiety as an HSP. This knowledge helped me immensely to navigate my daily life to curb my anxious feelings.
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker [Colorado License #672] and have been practicing as a psychotherapist and social worker since 2003. I had battled with depression for most of my life due to my own childhood loss and trauma. I finally sought help and received treatment at the age of 37. I would not be here or be the person I am now without the help I received from my own therapist.
“What happens to you does not matter: what you become through those experiences is all that is significant. This is the true meaning of life.”
Bachelor's Degree of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1983
Master's Degree of Social Work, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2003
Currently in the process of becoming a Certified Grief Counselor through the AIHCP (American Institute of Health Care Professionals)
Southeastern Arizona Behavioral Health Services
Boulder Community Hospital
Boulder Community Health
Family Hospice
Jefferson Center for Mental Health
Aurora Police Department
San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office
Military and Family Life Counselor (contract work with the Department of Defense)